Eagles Check-in/Words of Wisdom Peer Support Group

Eagles Check-in/Words of Wisdom Peer Support Groups are focused on recovery values-based content, led by trained Peer Support Specialists, peers, or the staff team.
What benefits do these support groups offer?
Through the Peer Support Groups sessions, we seek to inspire hope, raise self-esteem and help those affected see that there are possibilities to get through life a day at a time progressively moving towards their goals. Groups such as these allow people to see that they are not alone and that they can move forward.
Amongst peers, and in a group that has structure and purpose you can find your path forward, understand your goals and learn coping mechanisms to empower your daily progress.
How and when do these support groups run?
The Support Group sessions are led by the staff team, peers, or Peer Support Specialists who are persons with lived experience, trained in peer support facilitation work and are in a good state of recovery.
The check-in sessions are currently conducted every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays including on all public holidays.
Words of Wisdom Peer Support Groups are conducted on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month.