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Love Never Fails
Community Mental Wellness Care II – Tote Board Fundraising Programme
19 Oct 2022 – 18 Oct 2023
Accessible Mental Healthcare funded by donations
1 in 6 Singaporeans aged 18 – 74 years old will suffer from poor mental health in their lifetime, according to the 2022 National Population Health Survey by MOH.
The stigma surrounding mental health conditions often prevents the affected people from seeking treatment early. However, the consequences of being untreated for mental health conditions can be devastating, often leading to hopelessness, homelessness, broken families, unemployment and even suicide. Besides seeking medical treatment early when the mental health condition is detected, PSALT Care envisions wellness for all people living in recovery, including those with depression and bipolar disorder, and is an independent affiliate of DBSA in Singapore. PSALT Care holds peer-run support groups where members find comfort and direction in a confidential and supportive setting. It gives members the opportunity to reach out to others, and at the same time benefit from the experience of those who have been there.
Between Apr 22 to Mar 23, PSALT Care has organised a total of 478 recovery-based support groups, workshops and activities that supported our peers’ recovery journeys.
PSALT Care needs continued support to meet rising membership and create new services to meet emerging gaps. We keep our operating costs low, and all donations go towards the work we are doing for our beneficiaries. Our services are provided free of charge to our members, to help those facing mental health conditions and their loved ones, thereby playing a key role along with other partners towards building a mentally resilient Singapore society.
Community Mental Wellness Care II
We are presently enrolled in a 1-for-1 donation matching for the programmes and services we provide. Your donation enables us to help more individuals who suffer from depression, mood disorders, and other mental health conditions. Your financial support will help fund our mission to raise awareness of mental wellness & recovery, and to enhance the well-being of those facing mental health challenges by enabling the provisions of P.S.A.L.T – Peer Support, Advocacy, Therapies and Life-skills, to sustain recovery of our members, their caregivers and families.
You may contact us at for further inquiries on donations.
PSALT Care is open to partnering with companies and volunteer groups for CSR partnerships or community engagements. For potential collaborations or queries on donations and/or tax deductions, please email: